Pedigree |
Can. GRCH. Rosebrook's
Tuscan Sun |
BISS Am./Can. GCH. Champion
Chablais Rendez-Vous
BISS GCH Champion
Shalimar's The Animator |
BISS CH Niptuck Hyspire Unforgettable |
BISS GCH CH Sureshot
Hyspire Impressive |
CH Blackwater Niptuck
Cheerleader |
Shalimar Hyspire Biding
My Time |
Polish CH. Am. GRCH
Figero DaFoz Herbu Zadora |
Hyspire Shahli When
You Are Hot You Are Hot |
Champion Chablais Chouchou WC |
Am./Can. CH. Chablais Brookhills Joss |
BISS Am. CH. Lubberline
Martingale |
Multi BISS Am./Can. CH.
Chablais Olivia |
Chablais Babychou |
Can. CH. Chablais Ouzo |
Can. CH. Chablais
Opale |
Am./Can. CH.
Honadore's City Lights JH WCX |
Am. GCH./Can. CH. Honadore's Drum Roll
JH, WC |
Am./Can. CH. SHR
Summerset Buoys Nite Out |
Can. CH. Chablis Ouzo |
Can. CH. Summersets Sea's
The Day |
Can. CH. Chablais Alouette |
Swentina Chablais Sirius |
Can. CH. Chablais
Cherre Camee |
Am./Can. CH. Honadore Kiss N
Tell |
BISS Am./Can. CH.
Lubberline Martingale |
CH. Hunt Club
Clayview Funny Bear |
CH. Henningsmill
Lubberline Jib |
Can. CH. Beechcroft
Ambridge Emmy |
MBISS Am./Can. CH.
Beechcroft's Study In |
McNeil Ambridge
Regal Grace |